
Richard Parker

Elizabeth Weber

Rachel Goodrich

Twjana Dixon

Ivan Leshinsky

Jane Mayrer

Lou Packett

Lisa Rawlings

Scott Kashnow

Theresa Barbieri 

Bill Marker

Deatrice Dale

Joanne Nathans

Program Updates

  1. Southwest Works: a variety of categories of activities that we work on
    1. Recruitment events with anchor institutions
      1. Jan. IT (a first for UMMC)
      2. February clerical and service (UMMC)
      3. Ascension/St Agnes (10 participants, 3 or 4 at least have second interviews)
    2. Workforce grants with workforce development programs in the area
      1. SAFE Center: continued work with construction project for the workforce community center on Payson St. Not moving ahead with the planned partial opening, will open in July 2021. Have had some exciting in kind donations, are on target with grant goals
      2. 10:12 Sports received the grant in the middle of their basketball season, which includes game day jobs. Provided 31 hours of job training to young men in the program, job shadowing and interview opportunities for participants. Over 30 individuals are in their job training program. 
        1. Lisa asked if 10:12 was connected to Victory Outreach 
      3. UMMC are offering a variety of workshops: digital literacy training, financial wellness, careers in healthcare, legal services. Completed one cycle of digital literacy, had 8 engaged learners, ran into some issues with the digital training as it was all online. Have made changes to the program to make it more impactful–will begin night classes in March. Also have started legal services on Tuesdays. All cohorts are first for SWP area residents, then westside residents, and then City-wide residents.
        1. Relying on SWP and workforce partners for outreach and recruitment 
    3. Work with individuals
      1. Rachel has started using a calendar booking system, getting one new person a week through self-referrals from a variety of sources
      2.  Recruiting people through facebook, have put out more flyers through SWP
      3. Do weekly info sessions Wednesday at 12, managed through UMB Community Engagement Center–averaging 2-3 people a week, all of whom have been motivated job seekers

Elizabeth will ask Lowe’s if they would be interested in being an anchor for the Anchor Institution Referral Program.

Lou suggested reaching out to the UMMC social media division (Erin Wormkessle), Lou suggested reaching out to Maxim Healthcare–temp agency

  1. Workforce Roundtable: Workforce Roundtable has been learning about how to prepare workforce participants in navigating predominantly white workplaces and facing microaggressions and other forms of racism at work. Will also hear a presentation from B&O on a new workforce development program. Committee discussed elements of the proposed program


Project Updates

Advocacy Updates: SWP didn’t take organizational action, committee members took individual action. Planning for future sessions and advocacy should be a goal for the Committee moving forward.


Outreach updates: Elizabeth will send current workforce resource guide–ask folks to send additional resources that they would like to see added, can prepare as a handout flyer if people are interested in handing it out. Let Elizabeth know if you


Priorities for Future Funding Opportunities

  • Scholarship/living fund for community members interested in training–Ivan suggested reaching out to other organizations
  • Sports/recreation funding
  • Outreach–community surveys–Lisa would like to see community surveys

Elizabeth will ask the committee for ideas and ask for ideas within the next two weeks



Inside of warehouse at 1205 W Carey St which has been converted to an athletic training and youth center.


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