Project Updates
Clean Block Competition has begun, have 8 blocks signed up. Judging is ongoing for six weeks. If blocks are still interested they can contact Elizabeth to sign up to participate.
CDBG Spruce Up Funding. Received 12 applications for projects. Asked for volunteers from the Committee who did not submit an application to read and review them and we will set up a special meeting to discuss the projects and make funding awards. The special meeting will be open, ask committee members who did submit applications to recuse themselves.
Liberty, Donnell, Bif, Dotie, Robert
Committee Elections
Scott nominated Dan, Dotie nominated Donnell. Dan would like to continue as the Chair, Donnell would like to focus on improving neighborhood signs, improving pedestrian access, pedestrian lighting, and access for all modes of transportation. Would like to work with all of the Committees to make things happen.
Patty: how do you plan on increasing participation in meetings?
Dan: always on foot, engages people and invites people to the meetings. Night meetings in person has not always drawn people, always been tricky bringing people to Committee meetings. Dan has found that communication beyond social media is engaging people individually.
Donnell: proposes going person to person and also community association to community association to get people involved and get people excited about how to get involved and what to do.
Dan: Dan
Catherine: Dan
Edith: Donnell
Bif: Donnell
Dotie: Donnell
Robert: Dan
Scott: Dan
Thomas: Donnell
Laura: Donnell
Patty: Donnell
Donnell: Donnell
Dan: 4
Donnell: 7
Donnell was elected chair of the vibrant streets committee.
Union Square Sunday Sounds in the Park this Sunday 4-7pm
The committee discussed an increase of shootings in the area and organizing a neighborhood response.