
Dotie Page

Jane Buccheri

Abigail Breseith

Elam Bockvar-Klein

Linda Callahan

Chuck Callahan

Kyra O’Donnell

Alisah Jordan

Auna Cooper

Daniel Morrison



Derek McCorvey

Theresa Barberi

Caitlin De Grouchy

Stephanie Williams

Erika Brockman

Community Schools Update

Biggest challenge for many schools is helping families with distance learning, doing some food distribution and immediate need distribution. Technology challenges and training and supporting families in accessing technology.


SAFE Center Presentation

Elam is the volunteer coordinator for SAFE. Currently operating a learning pod on alternate days at the SAFE Center–providing food, activities, and access to technology outside etc.


Looking to build partnerships for volunteer recruitment and program facilitation. Really interested in engaging volunteers and organizations in however they would like to be involved at the SAFE Center. There are currently not any volunteer opportunities, but they are interested in building long term relationships in the future. There is potential for virtual engagement–looking for assistance with content creation and marketing. Currently coordinating with folks who are building out what in person work they are going to do in the future.


Dr Callahan: at UMMC have been talking to the School System about how they are going to handle quaranting students if they test positive–Elam isn’t sure what SAFE’s policy is, but they do have them. Rapid testing is the answer–have to suspend the pod if someone tests positive.


Ms Dotie: a temperature check could be a good thing for SAFE to do for children coming to the pod


Stephanie: is everyone aware that there is free testing at CVS? Camille was told that you can only get tested if you have symptoms.


Subcommittee Updates

Committee is comfortable with the subcommittee’s work



Hollins Market reopening celebration this Saturday at Hollins and Arlington

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