
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
June 16, 2020
Zoom meeting

I. Attendees
Kelleigh Eastman
JR Lee
Scott Kashnow
George Kleb
Abigail Breiseth
Jane Buccheri
Chuck Callahan
Sonia Eaddy
Gregg Herlong
Kris Hoellen
Heather Kangas
Bill Marker
Nancy McCormick
Donnell Nance
Richard Parker
Dan Rodenburg
Jane Shaab
Ashley Valis
Kenneth Watson
Khandra Sears
Lou Packett

II. Welcome and Introductions
Kelleigh welcomed everyone.
Chris took attendance.

III. Approval of the Minutes
Jane B. She was on the subcommittee to review the Annual Meetings.
Motion to approve the minutes from May – Jane S – Richard second. All in favor. – the
motion passes.

IV. BioPark Updates – Greg and Jane
● Jane gave update on COVID updates in the BioPark.
Employees are working in the building the whole time manufacturing drugs for around the world.  Working on treatments for COVID. The forensic center is busy also with autopsies and forensic equipment. 80-90 patients a day in the proton treatment center. Community Engagement Center has been helping with food and supplies

1. Also helping get digital access for neighbors.
2. Ashley elaborated – Added an antenna to the top of the community
engagement center – BioPark garage they are adding an antennae.
1st priority was James McHenry families.
○ They are creating a mural that will showcase the history
and the story of our neighborhoods and they are engaging
with residents
3. Clinical trials are also happening
4. BioPark buildings are all open – didn’t close down.
5. Chief Carey is leaving – perhaps we can invite new police chief
would be great in July or August
6. The nook is open for carryout
7. They are working on a recovery framework to bring the school
campus back towards opening back up.
○ Telework where possible
8. Gregg – things are moving forward – there have a been a few
delays –
○ Design review for the garage scheduled for next month
9. Keeping the street neat has been a priority for them as well.  Bill – they were also open for the election.

V. Community Engagement Update – Ashley
● Nothing to add really
● Hiring one or two more people – please refer people
● Hired an associate director recently – former position – Harlem Park Community
School Community coordinator – Danielle Harris
● Abigail – Ashley and Tyrone – have been amazing at coordinating food and
supplies assistance. Thank you!

VI. Statement on Racial Justice – Kelleigh
● Kelleigh – read the statement…
Let’s start a conversation: How can we make sure that equity and justice is ingrained in everything we do.  Bill: he didn’t realize it was already released – should have also included
economic status not just race. Richard: falls flat on it’s face because of the actions that the partnership
takes there is systemic racism in the partnership
1. It’s not just the words we say – it’s the actions we take that are important – especially decision making.
2. Kelleigh agrees there’s a lot more we could do as an organization. JR: If we had a time machine we could go back to our retreat and we would have dealt with these issues then…it was a missed opportunity.
Let’s have a real retreat where we can learn how to do things better. Ashley: Echo Richard and JR we need to do a better job ourselves as an organization we too have work to do as the partnership. Digital divide is a major factor and working to bring equity to it. Heather: Also wanted to echo Richard and JR –
1. We need to take the concerns of fellow citizens seriously
Jane S.: question where has this been released so far? How will we use the statement.
1. Released through social media and putting it up on the website.
2. Richard: thinks it would have been good to have sent something around – could have sent it around. Kenneth: He is a bit concerned. That we put out a statement that was the cool thing to do. It seems a bit hypocritical. JR: Did one person decide: should we put something in place. Chris Redwood: hasn’t seen the statement on social media. Jane S: perhaps we should cue up a committee to help with this.  George: Thinks we made a mistake regardless of intent.
1. Motion to withdraw the statement.
○ Richard 2nd the motion.
○ Remove the statement:
2. Kenneth: need to have more diversity at the table where the letter
should have been written…
Abigail: there is a chat box you can post things in there. She posted the statement there…
1. Two big pieces of work that needs to be done.
○ Staff, board…
○ How is white supremacy baked into all that we do…
○ Embark on a rigorous process at the different levels…
2. Communication issue,  JR: doesn’t want to get into…who wrote the letter…
Heather: How our organization relates to police and others is important.

VII.Committee Reports
● Preservation committee: Scott – updates on three projects. Mural at Community Engagement Center Malachi Mills – Concepts
Franklin Square Sign – approval from the City to install.
● Public Safety meeting: JR: the police department is getting their funding cut and he thinks it’s crazy that they are cutting the mounted police funding…can we draft a letter to still fund the mounted police—maybe they can work with the
community. Next meeting Wed.  Jane S. – has a comment – the whole idea of the education and building
the relationships with the neighborhoods. She would like to attend the meeting
Kris. – the stable is built with a big classroom space. They had the James
McHenry students come over and touched the horses. Jane B: thinks its hypocritical that it’s an example of community building
Chris: has a suggestion. If the letter doesn’t solve the problem bring the
money into the SWP and then have control of the funding.

1. JR: he will draft a letter and bring it back to the board to get input
before sending it. Chris:
1. How many gates?
2. JR: A lot – he will count and get back to you
Bill: In terms of the mounted police – The city council president should
come and see the site.  Richard:
1. Is it only open to group tours…
○ Kris that is up to the police
2. The asset to community policing – are they going to be patrolling
through our community.
○ Kris: Her understanding is that they will be City wide but
also in our neighborhoods.
○ Nancy: was told that they would be patrolling Mount Clare,
and the southwest
○ Ebony: – when are we planning to have this event with the
kids and do you think that is a good idea. There are
already horses in the community that are not connected to
3. Conversation – will continue at the public safety  Lou: Are we waiting until next week. We may lose the window of
opportunity.  Kris: could share the process – from the City Council process.  Jane S. – we could also – send an email  Bill homelessness issue…was discussed at the housing meeting.  Heather: wants to back up Ebony on the public safety issue – they
discussed the homeless encampment at MLK and Pratt.
● Kenneth asked in the chat:’ We should make sure the neighborhoods are in
support of a letter being drafted from SWP. from my experience, if
neighborhoods are not in agreement the partnership remains silent.’  Chris: answered in the chat. That is not necessarily the case.  Discussed Kenneth understood that if the neighborhoods were not in
agreement the SWP stayed silent.
1. Scott said that it is not accurate.

VIII. Executive Directors Report
● Michael not here…
● Tony…Covid policy that was sent out the board – Staff would continue to work
from home until at least the end of this month…

IX. Community Updates & Old/ New Business
● Regina – Lifebridge – they are having a couple of town halls – the next is
Thursday at 7PM 410-949-1361.
● Kris – B&O hoping to reopen this Saturday.  Museums for all – they are a member – SNAP members get a discount
 Parking lot can be used as a distribution site for food and supplies if
● Sonia – do you have any knowledge of changes to the contributions on the Poe
● Scott – Brought up a question of the recycling not being picked up. It’s an
opportunity for a conversation to be started with those that are not yet plugged
into what we are doing.

X. Adjourn
Motion to Adjourn by Nancy – 2nd by Scott
9:08 – Meeting Adjourned

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