- Community Resource Fair Update
Had originally planned a community resource fair for October–but there was an issue with the space at the Mount Clare Shopping Center. Richard is working with them to identify a new date that is far enough out.
Ivan asked if a resource fair is the best use of the Committee’s time. The goal is to be an outreach tool rather than to directly connect people to jobs or resources.
Richard would like the December meeting to be a brainstorming meeting to talk about what the Committee can work on in the future. One meeting next year needs to be dedicated to anchor hiring.
Nina, the SWP intern, could put together some proposed outreach strategies.
Virginia suggested sticking to set locations, although there are some issues around accessibility for residents.
Kristine would like to get input from business people/employers.
Bif suggested a Work Where You Live campaign and also focusing on people beyond entry level positions and career pathways
Kristine suggested applying for WIOA money for training.
- Committee Elections
The Committee needs to elect a chair for 2020. The Chair is responsible holding 10 meetings a year and representing the Workforce Committee on the SWP Board of Directors.
Kristine nominated Richard, Bif and Virginia seconded. Richard was unanimously re-elected.
The meeting was adjourned.