
Elizabeth Weber

Keith Portyka

Jane Mayrer

Lou Packett

Sheila Drummond Camm

Hannah Mitchell

Camille Givens Patterson

Tracey Mathews

Kirwan Commission

Bill 2018 looking at how education is funded, have put together a package of legislation around where resources go in schools. Of particular interest to this committee is more resources for at risk students—looking at making every school in Maryland a community school and putting resources to fund coordinators at each school. Strong Schools Maryland has been formed to education people on the Kirwan Commission. Goal is to get Kirwan Commission passed-both gubernatorial candidates are supportive—there needs to be input from the community. Also do education around voting yes on question 1 in November (Education Trust Fund).

Have Curtis put something in the newsletter about Question 1 and the Kirwan Commission.

Ask the schools if they can send something home with the students about question 1.

Community School Talking Points

The Committee reviewed the draft and provided edits for the final time which Sheila will incorporate.

Relationship between community and neighborhoods

The Committee discussed a summary of the proposed relationship that the SWP Education Committee would like to facilitate between the schools and the wider community. The Committee suggested that we:

Add language about mutual accountability

Add examples

Goal for each bucket (health and human services, community engagement)

Different demographics—equity language

Vetting for Presentations/What do we want to hear from presentations

Information that we want to know about programs:


-infrastructure required to be present in the school


-age groups

-interested in expanding

-description of programs/services

-challenges in delivering the program

-how will we reconnect

-program/product how do we connect them with the school

-know who’s coming next meeting, prepare for them

-other schools

-funding model

-logistics: time limit on presentation

-length of experience

-success, how they measure success

-what is the data to support their success

Be aware that there are different types of presentations—programs vs groups that are sharing information

Elizabeth will prepare a draft outline of what we expect from presentations to be tested at the next meeting.

The Committee also discussed possible asks of the Archdiocese of MD after their presentation next month including participating in community events, allowing the community access to the new Catholic school when it is built, and providing regular updates.

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