Commercial Development Meeting

Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015


Neighborhood Conversation – Updates and feedback received from the 4 neighborhood meetings organized to give opportunity to all to comments on their thoughts and ideas about the commercial development for the SWP region but focusing mostly on Baltimore Street.  See attached comment document


Southwest Partnership Updates

Update on the employment meetings with the Education Committee chairs.  Look at warehouses in Pigtown and survey warehouses and their need for employment.  


Discuss expectation

Started the neighborhood meetings to discuss the conflicts.  Main issues were about

The nodes,

How far along the vison plan process was and

The need for clarity on anchor institutions, University has too many seats

How are decisions made?  

Fear police and erroneous information.  

How to communicate?   

The meeting goals were

To insure that all areas were part of the conversation and that not one person was speaking for all.    

Job Protection for people who live in a community who has a voice counter or too pro the anchor institution.

Information locations are needed for all that will not be on electronic connection.

Build a sense of community.

Clustering is a big issue as the understanding is not deep.

To address crime and grime.  Can be a subcommittee or could work with Safe and walkable street.

One action:  

Create sub committees

To meet with community and discuss what should be built in the community

Create a code enforcement committee

Create a development committee

Engage with the planning grant supported by SWP


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